Han Solo Movie May Feature Ansel Elgort

Ansel Elgort is reportedly being considered to play the role of a young Han Solo in a Star Wars spin-off movie. Lawrence Kasdan, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” co-writer is supposedly working on a movie featuring the character as a young man. The movie will not be an origin story of Han Solo.

A list containing over 2,500 names was already reduced to a manageable number, Vanity Fair revealed. The shorter list includes the biggest names of actors who starred in young adult novel adaptations. Aside from Ansel Elgort, the list also includes Miles Teller, Dave Franco and Logan Lerman.

Vaity Fair said while these actors have distinctive qualities, they are not consistent with the sarcastic nature of Han Solo. Despite this, the characters portrayed by these actors have the same confidence as the character played by Harrison Ford in the four Star Wars movies.

Han Solo Movie May Feature Ansel Elgort

Han Solo Movie May Feature Ansel Elgort - image credit: en.wikipedia.org

The list also includes a number of lesser-known actors, including Emory Cohen, Blake Jenner and Jack Reynor. Scott Eastwood, son of Clint Eastwood, was also taken into account. Rising stars like Elgort may increase the chance of success for the Han Solo movie, Lucasfilm already showed that it can also be successful when they cast unknowns. This was shown through “The Force Awakens” with Daisy Ridley and John Boyega.

Even though the Han Solo spin-off is the brainchild of Kasdan, Chris Miller and Phil Lord will direct the movie. The movie is set to start shooting in around a year’s time, but the company revealed it is picking the actor to play Han Solo with the coming weeks. The upcoming prequel movie, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” will see a cameo appearance for the actor who will portray the young Han Solo on the spinoff.

However, some people are not thrilled to see less experienced actors, such as Logan Lerman or Ansel Elgort, to portray Han Solo. Harrison Ford said he does not want anything to do with the upcoming movie. An article published by the Atlantic indicated that the actor cast to play Han Solo will have to live up to the memory of the iconic character loved by audiences. The article added that the actor should play the part in a movie without any effect on the future of the franchise since it is set before the original movies of Lucas.

For the moment, it remains uncertain of Ansel Elgort will get the role until an official announcement is made by the company.

Posted by on Tuesday January 12 2016, 9:02 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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