Hotel de Glace Creates “Frozen” Inspired Ice Room

Hotel de Glace Creates “Frozen” Inspired Ice Room

Hotel de Glace Creates “Frozen” Inspired Ice Room

If, like most people, you have become a fan of Anna, Elsa and the other characters of the hit Disney animation “Frozen” then you should be happy to learn that Hotel de Glace in Quebec, Canada has created a one of a kind “Frozen” inspired suite.

The room is, as expected created entirely out of ice and snow, and is meant to replicate the bedrooms of the two beloved sisters, Anna and Elsa. People who would like to stay in the magical and charming room should know that during their stay they will also have the opportunity to experience a “Frozen Activity Cave”, where they can delve even deeper into the beautiful story.

“Frozen” was one of Disney’s biggest hits, and one of 2013’s biggest grossing movies. The story line was inspired from the Hans Christian Andersen classic called “The Snow Queen”. The movie sparked an amazing following and created a real hysteria among marketers who are trying to capitalize on the movie’s success.

Adventures by Disney already announced they will create a new Norway itinerary that will be "Frozen" inspired. The itinerary will be eight days long and will include destinations such as Bergen, which is the inspiration for Arendella, a trip through Fjord Country, a rafting experience down the river Voss, a scenic visit through the region’s churches and enough time to experience the capital city Oslo.

Posted by on Sunday January 19 2014, 3:32 AM EDT. Ref: Fox News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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