How to Stay Healthy while Cruising

 How to Stay Healthy while Cruising

How to Stay Healthy while Cruising

Most people would love to go on a cruise.  But traveling, be it on a cruise ship or anywhere else, might make the travelers become susceptible to all sorts of troubles. Among the list would be unhealthy food and water, seasickness, and dehydration. Cruise ship travelers are easy targets to a number of sicknesses.

It is always advantageous for you stay healthy if your travel on a cruise ship.  You’ve got to have a checklist (in your mind, as you might lose it if you write it in paper) and recall it every now and then.  Here are some tips on how to stay healthy on a cruise.


Wash Your Hands Frequently

This may sound obvious and repetitive, but the best way to avoid getting sick is to thoroughly wash your hands with clean soap and water before eating, after eating, after using the restroom, or as often as you can.  Through this, you will eliminate germs before they infect you. Also take note that although hand sanitizers are also of a great help in killing germs, they are not totally the complete alternative to hand washing.

Drink a Lot of Water

Also one of the best ways of staying healthy on a cruise ship is by staying hydrated. Always drink a lot of water especially on a hot day, or when you’re at the beach or going anywhere like shopping or on your way to the port of embarkation. Reusable water bottles are of great help here. You can fill them up on the cruise ship's buffet restaurant, or you may buy some beverages of your choice ashore. Avoid drinking alcohol especially during the day as alcoholic drinks dehydrate you.  Instead, swap this habit by drinking cold bottled water or a cold glass of water.

Wear Some Sunscreen
Wearing dependable sunscreen can save your skin from getting burned especially during summer. It doesn’t hurt you if you apply sunscreen every now and then, but it will if you do burn; and worst, you will definitely not enjoy your next few days on your trip.

Do Not Eat Too Much
When we hear the word “buffet,” what comes to mind is food — a lot of food.  However, not pacing your appetite on board a cruise ship might make you sick.  You will likely to feel queasy and bloated and most of the time, sluggish if you eat more than what your tummy can manage.  Plus, and more importantly, you don’t want to get home 10 pounds heavier than you were when you first embarked, right?  So go ahead, enjoy the food, but only eat the right amount.

Following these simple steps while on a cruise will keep you healthy and fit, while enjoying the experience all along.


Posted by on Thursday February 09 2012, 4:37 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Travel. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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