ICT Investment Trends in Scandinavia: Technology advancements are driving ICT investments

Scandinavia ICT Investment


Scandinavian economy is witnessing a consistent growth with enterprises innovating and expanding in various areas of ICT such as FinTech, green technologies, smart offices, and security, amongst others. The ICT sector is expected to gain momentum, as technology start-ups and ICT providers are introducing latest technologies in the Scandinavian enterprise markets

The report illustrates the core technologies that enterprises are investing in, including enterprise applications, IoT, cloud computing, and security services. The survey also highlights the approach to purchasing technology adopted by enterprises in Scandinavia. With the help of In-depth survey, the report aims to provide a better insight to ICT vendors and service providers when pitching their solutions to enterprises in Scandinavia.


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Major Players Cover in the report:





Check Point






Amazon Web Services





The major highlights of the reports:

Allocation across the core elements of IT spend, including hardware, software, services, communications, and consulting

Distribution of ICT money in areas such as the networks, applications, service desk, and data centers

Which ICT functions Scandinavian enterprises are interested in outsourcing?

Scandinavian enterprises’ investment priorities based on their budget allocations across core technology categories such as security services, IoT, cloud computing, and green IT & virtualization

How Scandinavian enterprises’ IT budgets are currently allocated across various segments within a technology category

Scandinavian enterprises’ distribution of their ICT budget across various segments within a technology category

Vendor satisfaction ratings for various core and advanced technology categories

Insight into Scandinavian enterprises’ preferred buying approaches

Business objectives that Scandinavian enterprises are looking to achieve through their IT investment strategies

Factors that are influencing Scandinavian enterprises’ decisions to select an ICT provider

Scope of the Report:

Scandinavian enterprises are allocating the highest proportion of their total ICT budget to data centers driven by government support.
- With Scandinavian telecom operators investing in network infrastructure hardware in order to keep up with consumers’ high speed data needs, opportunities for network equipment vendors are set to rise.
- As security regulations for Scandinavian countries are being reformed, IT security service providers are expected to launch new country compliant security services.

For Detailed Reading Please visit @ https://www.wiseguyreports.com/reports/2989142-ict-investment-trends-in-scandinavia-technology-advancements-are

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