Increasing popularity of sperm donation worries Experts

Increasing popularity of sperm donation worries Experts

Increasing popularity of sperm donation worries Experts

Experts have become increasingly worried as dozens of children born in the United States and Canada are fatherless due to the increasing popularity of sperm donors and sperm bank facilities. Currently, there are no laws either in the United States or in Canada where the number of children should be limited coming from a single sperm donor. In European countries such as Britain and France, laws have been enacted to limit the number of babies born from a single sperm donor.

An international ceiling has been placed that a single donor could become father of a maximum of 20 babies. In Scandinavian country of Denmark, a single sperm donor could impregnate a maximum of 25 women. However, sperm bank facilities have different rules and regulations. But most often, rules and regulations are not always adhered and complied with.

Some families would like to create designer babies by carefully selecting the best sperm donor based on his IQ level or eye color. A bachelor from Canada became the father of no less than 533 babies by selling his sperm for cash. A Canadian comedy movie was released this year inspired by the experience. Experts worried that through sperm donation, the risk of transmitting genetic abnormalities and malformations could increase as well as accidental incest between close relatives.

Posted by on Monday October 10 2011, 6:02 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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