India Tourism Market Insights: liberalization play major role in growth of outbound tourism

The India after liberalization has observed major growth in outbound tourism. The major factors are rising disposable income of consumers and visiting friends and relatives are other major reason for the outbound market.

Earlier it was not so easy because the disposal income was also normal among the consumers and the visit would be nearby relative and family that too within India, but with a change of time the people started visited overseas and even the most travel and tours offer a discount that will be affordable nowadays.




As per new report study Indian tourists are one largest spender during trip or vacation as per world-traveler. The expert also say that they are ahead Chinese and Japanese, In fact, many Indian vacations trips include comfort and shopping elements, and nearly half of the Indians coming abroad will buy branded items.

The report highlight major factor which are as follow, Bollywood's influence goes to the Indian economy and makes Europe as a very important destination. However, most international departures are in the Asia-Pacific region because Europe is not uninterrupted for a large part of Indian tourists.

The market growth could be jam or there would be obstacle if the economic implication of taxes such as Goods and Services Tax and Demonetization. As per report study it is found that business trip is the main reason for outbound tourism in India, which includes 34.6% of travel in 2016.

India has experienced significant economic growth and a rapidly growing middle class experience which has resulted in foreign tourism growth. The overseas tourism market is fastest growing in the world, and outbound trip is only available out of the country's total population, despite an increase of 23 million in the outbound trip in 2016. That is why there is a great opportunity available for the Indian travel industry because the income is increasing and more population cannot afford to travel internationally.

Tourism Source Market Insights: India provides a perfect insight into the outbound tourism industry of India. India is the fastest growing tourist market in the world, in this report, it reaches different aspects of the market, passenger profiles, passenger flows, expenditure samples, main destination market, how do the Indian tourists Attract, and future threats and opportunities.

Every year,  millions Indians travel to overseas for various reason such as business abroad, attend meetings, study, watch, shop, honeymoon and especially visit friends and relatives (VFR). Around 15 to 20 million Indian nationals live in the world, the number of foreign travel increases day by day.

The major players cover in the report are Spice jet, Star Cruises, Costa Cruises, Royal Caribbean, Sky scanner, Air India Express and Turespaña.




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