Instagram Changes Result To User Backlash

Following reports of impending Instagram changes, users started to vent their exasperation through the photo-sharing app. The company revealed recently that a new algorithm will be implemented to prioritize posts it considers people care the most about rather than prioritizing the most recent posts.

The algorithm is similar to the algorithm of Facebook, which owns Instagram. The new algorithm is designed to reduce the clutter on the feeds of its users. However, a good number of users are not in favor of the change and would rather have the feeds stay the way they are.

Rumors emerged on the internet indicating that new system will be implemented on Tuesday. However, the company debunked these rumors. A spokesman indicated through email that the new system will go through weeks or months of testing before they are implemented. The spokesman added that the test groups are currently very small. Instagram added that the community will be informed of any Instagram changes before they are implemented.

Instagram Changes Result To User Backlash

Instagram Changes Result To User Backlash - image credit:

Despite the clarification, a number of users have used the photo-sharing app to express their sentiments on the proposed changes. One of the users who used Instagram to express his opinion on the changes was John Mayer. Mayer indicated that the chronological feed allows artists to maintain their relevance on the platform. The singer-songwriter also doubted if the new algorithm can accurately predict his tastes and interests, which change every so often.

Similarly, Kendall Jenner shared the sentiment of Mayer on the changes on the app. She tweeted to Instagram that it was not necessary to fix something that is not broken.

Other Instagram users started posting pictures with the #turnmeon hashtag, asking their followers to activate push notifications to ensure they receive an alert each time they post an update on the site once the Instagram changes are finalized.



Posted by on Tuesday March 29 2016, 5:34 PM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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