iPhone App to Fight Wildlife Trafficking in Cambodia

iPhone App to Fight Wildlife Trafficking in Cambodia

iPhone App to Fight Wildlife Trafficking in Cambodia

A new iPhone app updating travelers to Cambodia on information about species threatened by trade and letting them take action in the fight against wildlife trafficking has been launched by a partnership that includes TRAFFIC.

The educational app developed by Wildlife Alliance, Trigger LLC, Jeff Corwin Connect and TRAFFIC provides both a catalogue of South-East Asian animal and plant species, showcases the patterns in which endangered wildlife is most frequently traded, which are the most threatened and how to pick them out by their unique features.

It also features a built-in system that allows users to report the suspected illegal sale of wildlife and wildlife based products directly to Wildlife Alliance’s Rapid Rescue Team.

The app is designed to aid the ongoing efforts to preserve the region’s wildlife. It raises the profile of many wild plant and animal species that are trafficked for traditional medicine, exotic meat and pets. The information enables tourists to make responsible choices about their purchases while on holiday and gives them the opportunity to play an active role in preserving Cambodia’s natural heritage.

The app opens with an introduction by Jeff Corwin from the Animal Planet and features maps, photographs and a list of markets where visitors might see wildlife in trade. And the good news is, it is free to download.

Posted by on Monday May 14 2012, 2:43 AM EDT. Ref: TRAFFIC. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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