James Franco Embarrassed For Pick-Up Tweets

James Franco Embarrassed For Pick-Up Tweets

James Franco Embarrassed For Pick-Up Tweets

Actor James Franco responded to the news that he tried to pick up a 17-year-old girl via his social media accounts. According to several news reports, the 35-year-old actor tried to court Lucy Clode, a 17-year-old tourist from Scotland after meeting her at one of his Broadway performances in “Of Mice and Men.”

The teenage girl uploaded the text messages she and Franco exchanged, including one in which she specifies she will be turning 18 in May. The actor flirted with the Scottish tourist via social media, asking her if she had a boyfriend, about her age and of course, if she wanted to meet.

This Friday, Franco addressed the uncomfortable tweets on live TV saying that he is embarrassed by the whole situation. He said that what happened this Thursday is “a model” of how social media can get “tricky.” He said that while it is a way people meet each other nowadays he had poor judgment and that he learned his lesson.

The actor also said that he is doubly embarrassed as he doesn’t just have to go through the whole social media dance to meet someone, but now it is also published for the entire world to see.

While the live TV interview seemed legit, several sites suspect that it is all just an elaborate viral campaign for Franco’s upcoming movie called Palo Alto.

Posted by on Sunday April 06 2014, 4:09 AM EDT. Ref: freep. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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