John McCarthy, Artificial Intelligence creator, dead at 84

John McCarthy, Artificial Intelligence creator, dead at 84

John McCarthy, Artificial Intelligence creator, dead at 84

Palo Alto, California — John McCarthy, father of artificial intelligence and inventor of the A.I.’s technology and programming language has died at the age of 84. McCarthy’s death was announced Monday by Stanford University. He taught at Stanford for 4 decades. The report said McCarthy died at his house in Palo Alto but the reason for his death was not disclosed.

Tribute for his death flooded in the social networking site Twitter. People were saddened by the loss of a person considered as a technology innovator from Silicon Valley. Fellow technology innovators, Steve Jobs of Apple Inc. and Dennis Ritchie; C programming inventor, had died earlier this month.

The term artificial intelligence came out in 1955 when McCarthy led a research proposal. He pioneered the technology leading to the creation of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and also the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Stanford. He had served as the director from 1965-1980.

In 1958, McCarthy has invented Lisp, a programming language, which paved the way for another technology to be created, the voice recognition, used today as an application for the newest model of iPhone. He also created time-sharing among computers. The technology has allowed a single computer to be utilized by more than 1 user.

Posted by on Thursday October 27 2011, 4:16 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Nation. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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