Jurassic World Set To Be Released In 2015

Jurassic World Set To Be Released In 2015

Jurassic World Set To Be Released In 2015

“Jurassic World,” the latest installment to the Jurassic Park series of Steven Spielberg is set to be released on the big screen by June 12, 2015, according to Universal Pictures.

The upcoming movie will be directed by Colin Trevorrow, who created the draft for the screenplay together with Derek Connolly. The fourth chapter of the series will have new dinosaurs as promised by the filmmakers. Box office sales of the first three installments of the series have reached $1.9 billion.

Global ticket sales for the 3D version of the original Jurassic Park reached $114 million when it was released this year. This provided the inspiration to return to the dinosaur fanaticism that gripped millions around the world in the past.

The announcement came amid the announcement of Disney studios that the release of the “Pirates of the Caribbean 5” will be moved to 2016 from the summer of 2015.

The upcoming release of “Jurassic World” excited J.J. Abrams, director of “Star Trek Into Darkness.” Despite having no knowledge about the story of “Jurassic World,” Adams was quite interested in it. The adviser of the Jurassic Park movies, paleontologist Jack Horner, indicated that the original movie gave adults the opportunity to rediscover their love for prehistoric creatures last April.

Horner said that the interest of adults was piqued by the first movie of the series. He said that the first movie increased the interest level among adults. The T-Rex and velociraptor become widely-known following the release of the movies. Horner said the fame of the velociraptor was mainly due to “Jurassic Park.”

However, Horner remained silent on the dinosaurs that will be highlighted in the latest installment of the series.

Although he said that he cannot reveal the dinosaur that will be emphasized in “Jurassic World,” he said that people may avoid turning off their lights after watching the movie.

Posted by on Friday September 13 2013, 4:24 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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