Justin Bieber in Manila: the show must go on (sniffles aside)

Justin Bieber in Manila

Justin Bieber in Manila Concert a Success

Justin Bieber in Manila concert was almost either cancelled or shortened if organizers had their way. But the pop teen sensation was determined to give his fans a night to remember as he performed in spite of a nasty chest infection.

He had earlier posted a message on microblogging site Twitter: "Sick as a dog...but the show must go on." And so he completed his 90-minute show in front of the raucous crowd of  about 23,000 mostly teenagers and young adults who was excited for months to watch Justin Bieber in Manila.

Justin Bieber reportedly had to throw up several times in between songs but managed to deliver a good performance nevertheless. He was not his usual energetic self but still managed to work up the crowd to a frenzy even with his voice cracking at times and his dance moves not so snappy as usual.

Justin Bieber in Manila was made even more memorable for Filipino fans as the singer introduced Legaci, his team of back-up vocals composed of Filipinos. The singing phenom also displayed his other musical skills by playing the guitar and drums.

The opening act was "Love Me" from the album "My World" followed by "Bigger", "U Smile", "Never Let You Go", "I'll Be", "Somebody To Love" and "One Less Lonely Girl."

Justin Bieber also sang a cover of Michael Jackson's "Wanna Be Starting Something" and Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" followed by "Pray" and the encore "Baby."

After the performance, Bieber tweeted,"The streets of Manila are filled...this is crazy. Great energy. Sick or not that show went hard!"

Justin Bieber in Manila was a resounding success and absolute thrill for fans of the teen sensation.


Posted by on Friday May 13 2011, 4:57 AM EDT. Ref: PDI. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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