Justin Timberlake Announces Volume 2 Of “The 20/20 Experience”

Justin Timberlake Announces Volume 2 Of "The 20/20 Experience"

Justin Timberlake Announces Volume 2 Of "The 20/20 Experience"

Pop star, and actor Justin Timberlake announced that he will release a second volume to the much appreciated and long awaited “The 20/20 Experience” in the course of 2013.

The pop star twitted that rumors about his new album's two piece structure are true, and that the second part of the album will be released later this year.

Justin’s newest album in quite some years has been very well received by critics so the build-up for the second part is not only good news for the fans but also a smart marketing decision on his part.

The second part is rumored to be launched in November and whether you are a fan of his or just like the new brave pop style he adopted you will definitely want to check it out, especially as Timberland is behind the helm when it comes to production and there are features with some of the biggest artists of the day.

Love him or hate him, Justin Timberlake's new “The 20/20 Experience” has made quite a big splash with the first single from the album that features Jay-Z entitled “Suit & Tie” shoting to number one ion iTunes in the first day, while the second single from the Timberland produced album débuted on number 12.

Posted by on Wednesday March 20 2013, 3:11 AM EDT. Ref: Broadwayworld. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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