Justin Timberlake Receives Controversial Wedding Gift

Justin Timberlake Receives Controversial Wedding Gift

Justin Timberlake Receives Controversial Wedding Gift

After the wedding, Justin Timberlake is expected to be savoring in the middle of honeymoon bliss. Last July, Timberlake and Biel, just pulled off an elaborate, and by all accounts, amazing week-long wedding extravaganza in southern Italy, during which they spared no expense and treated their guests like royalty. Instead, the groom is issuing a public apology after finding himself in the middle of a post-wedding scandal.

Days after their sumptuous nuptials, a video stroked the Internet, which was made by the Timberlake’s longtime friend, Los Angeles real estate agent Justin Huchel, as a perceptible wedding gift for the couple which was reportedly played at some point during the week-long celebration.

The eight-minute “gag” recording featured Huchel on the streets of L.A. interviewing homeless people who “just couldn’t make it” to the reported $6.5 million wedding and instead sent their well wishes.

The video, which was leaked to Gawker, was widely viewed as tasteless and insensitive for openly mocking the homeless. And Huchel wasn’t happy his “gift” was made public either. His attorney has threatened legal action against the website, demanding they remove the video and noting in the legal papers, “Mr. Huchel made the video to be used and exhibited privately at Justin Timberlake's wedding as a private joke without Mr. Timberlake's knowledge."

It appears that, not even Timberlake found the “private joke” funny. Last Friday, he wrote on his blog a 700-word apology for what he described as a “lapse in judgment.” With his first words, “I don't live my life making fun of people ... especially, those who are less fortunate or those in need,” the 31-year-old noted, “I was always taught that we as people, no matter what your race, sex, or stature may be, are equal.”


Posted by on Monday October 29 2012, 4:06 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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