Kaspersky Lab Hacked

While Kaspersky Lab was the subject of a cyberattack recently, the Moscow-based company said the data of its customers remained safe since the attack concentrated on its systems and intellectual property.

The hole was already fixed following the discovery of the attack, which was most likely conducted by hackers working for a country, according to Kaspersky Lab. Even as the attack is not the first to target the security company, it gives an indication of the creativity of current hacking techniques. It also shows the vulnerability of even the most prepared companies in the world.

Kaspersky Lab Hacked

Hackers Attack Kaspersky Lab - image credit: voicendata.com

Attacks have been happening on a daily basis, targeting small and big companies as well as the computers of the US federal government. Around 700 million company records were compromised around the world, which resulted to losses amounting to $400 million last year, Verizon Enterprise Solutions revealed. The information is limited to seventy organizations that provided data for the annual study of the company, which means the actual figure is likely to be higher.

In an explanation about the attack, Kaspersky said hackers are already “a generation ahead” of everything. Cyberattacks typically take advantage of “zero-day” vulnerabilities or software gaps that are not known to developers. These attacks also leave little to no footprints.

While the Moscow-based company is not inclined to name the country that attacked them, it has hinted at the United Kingdom, Israel and the United States based on past cyber espionage reports. The attack also targeted venues that hosted the Iranian nuclear program talks. More targets were identified by Kaspersky Lab around the world, and sheer size of the attack gives an indication that it was carried out by a government.

Posted by on Thursday June 11 2015, 12:55 PM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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