Katie Holmes’ $25 Million Net Worth May Double After Split With Tom Cruise

Katie Holmes' $25 Million Net Worth May Double After Split With Tom Cruise

Katie Holmes' $25 Million Net Worth May Double After Split With Tom Cruise

By requesting a full custody of her daughter, Suri, and a "substantial amount" of child support, Katie Holmes's divorce from Tom Cruise is likely to bring in more money for the 33-year old actress.

Based on her personal stardom, Holmes, whose estimated net worth is at around $25 million, has never been close to her earning potential, according to Michelle Lee, Hollywood.com's senior vice president of content.

"A net worth of $25 million is not small potatoes," Lee said. "But when you compare to Tom's earnings, it's nowhere close."

Cruise, who is about to turn 50, brought in $75 million last year alone, according to Forbes, with earnings from "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol" as a studio executive and a producer.

"She's an actress who had so much potential at first--fans were really hopeful that she would turn into a great actress. But I think her marriage really hurt her career. It seemed like directors and producers started to get a little scared of hiring her for projects because they didn't want their project being overshadowed by the spectacle," Lee said.

In asking for a "suitable amount" from Cruise in her divorce papers, Holmes is hoping to maintain a lifestyle of travel and shopping, though she certainly has enough cash of her own to live very well even by Hollywood standards.

The couple's conjugal properties include homes in Beverly Hills, Hollywood Hills, Montecito, Calif., New York, and Colorado.

After six successful years on television's "Dawson's Creek," which ended in 2003, Holmes focused on smaller films, like the critically acclaimed 2003's "Pieces of April," which brought in $2.4 million domestically and 2005's "Thank You For Smoking," which had $24.8 million according to Baseline, a movie research database. Those films "weren't huge box office blockbusters but really helped to build her acting credibility," Lee said.



Posted by on Wednesday July 04 2012, 5:32 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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