Kevin Bacon Dances To The Tune Of Footloose On The Tonight Show

Kevin Bacon Dances To The Tune Of Footloose On The Tonight Show

Kevin Bacon Dances To The Tune Of Footloose On The Tonight Show

The 30th anniversary of the initial release of Footloose was memorable for Kevin Bacon as he became a guest on “The Tonight Show.” Bacon reprised the role of Ren McCormack as he reverted to his old dancing form and performed at the show last March 21.

Prior to the performance of Bacon, host Jimmy Fallon said that dancing was not allowed on “The Tonight Show.” He reiterated to the audience that rules are rules. However, the crowd did not like it even though the 39-year-old host showed an official-looking letter. Bacon also did not like the rule and mocked the opening backstage of Fallon and returned to the rebellious spirit of McCormack.

Kevin Bacon asked inside the dressing room if dancing was illegal. He later remarked that there should be dancing in “The Tonight Show.” The fifty-five-year-old actor then took out an old cassette tape and started to recreate the well-known dancing scene inside the warehouse. He put on a grey sweatshirt, jeans, and white shirt, similar to the 1984 movie.

The four-minute clip showed Bacon moving along the hallway of “The Tonight Show” showing his skills in aerobics. He also recreated the final barnyard scene of “Footloose” as he changed into a maroon jacket complete with a bow tie. A number of male and female dancers joined the actor as he moved towards the host of the show while dancing to the theme song of Kenny Loggins.

Fallon later remarked that dancing has become legal on “The Tonight Show” thanks to the efforts of Kevin Bacon.

Posted by on Monday March 24 2014, 3:38 AM EDT. Ref: US Magazine. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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