Kim Kardashian and Humphries file separate cases for separation

Kim Kardashian and Humphries file separate cases for separation

Kim Kardashian and Humphries file separate cases for separation

While Kim Kardashian has formally filed for divorce, Kris Humphries, the basketball hunk, has settled for an annulment.

Family, friends and even acquaintances stated that Kris Humphries was ignorant of how he was allegedly used for a pawn and believed their marriage would be a lasting relationship. However, Kim Kardashian showed no interest.

In his annulment case, Kris Humphries demands Kim Kardashian to pay the attorneys fees; likewise involving community and quasi-community assets. However, according to friends of Kardashian, Kim has always wanted the marriage to last, but then people change.

According to sources, Kim also resorted to filing an annulment rather than divorce, but there are no legal grounds for annulment according to California law. The law only provides impotency, incest, bigamy, unsound mind, fraud or force for cause of action in filing for annulment.

Likewise, many have considered that their marriage was purely for money or publicity, and nothing more. Just recently, Kardashian sued her one-time employee for announcing on local news of Los Angeles that her marriage with Kris Humphries was a fake or staged.

Meanwhile, Kardashian’s sister Kourtney claims as being pregnant. Let’s just see if her statements are true or just another strategy to score a few magazine covers and interviews.

Posted by on Friday December 02 2011, 5:23 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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