Lady Gaga shows Japanese her “Soft Heart”

Controversial Pop Star Lady Gaga shows Japanese her “Soft Heart”

Lady Gaga is in Japan for a charity concert. She praised the country for its beauty and encouraged visitors, whose numbers have dropped in the wake of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis, to return.

Lady Gaga has been doing fundraising for victims of the March 11 disasters.

"I would like to use my position here today and all week long to run around Tokyo and enjoy the beautiful city, and kiss all the beautiful little monsters and scream at the top of my lungs that everyone should visit this beautiful place," she told a news conference in Tokyo.

Officials thanked Lady Gaga for her support by giving her with a letter of gratitude from the Japanese government.

Hiroshi Mizohata, head of the Japan Tourism Agency, gave her a small paper mache doll that is weighted at its bottom so it doesn't fall down and symbolizes perseverance and courage.

"Never give up, finally stand up. This is a Japanese traditional doll for you. This is Fukushima," said an excited Mizohata, noting that the doll came from Fukushima prefecture, site of the crippled nuclear plant at the center of the crisis.

Lady Gaga responded with a kiss on his cheek.

"I am happy," he said.

There is a chance that Lady Gaga will visit the devastated north-eastern region after her MTV charity concert on Saturday, but she steered clear of concrete promises.



Posted by on Friday June 24 2011, 3:10 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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