Legal Professionals Using Google+ Reaches More Clients

Legal Professionals Using Google+ Reaches More Clients

Legal Professionals Using Google+ Reaches More Clients

Although Google+ was slow to gain popularity after launching a few years ago, Google’s social network now has more users than Twitter, with over 390 million registered members. The network is more than just a useful place for regular people to connect, though. Google+ is also a viable platform for lawyers and legal professionals wanting to reach clients more effectively and efficiently.

Find Your Circle

The easiest way for legal professionals to take advantage of Google+ is to find circles of attorneys, lawyers, and various professionals working in the legal field. To do this, use Google Plus’s handy search bar and type in “attorney,” “lawyer,” or “paralegal,”, or whatever you are looking for.

To gain a following, begin by following a number of lawyers (or whatever your profession happens to be), and they will slowly begin returning the follow in the coming weeks. The purpose of following is that it will help you build valuable connections with like-minded individuals who can help broaden your law office’s foothold locally, regionally, or even nationally. Getting your name and services out there to other lawyers in a social manner is never a bad thing.

Along with following legal professionals on an individual basis, another key way for legal professionals to exploit Google+ is by joining groups – or circles – of other legal professionals. The benefit of Google+ circles is that is significantly easier to join up-to-the-minute conversations on various legal matters. Being a member of a legal circle will also make it easier to share pertinent news and information with the rest of the digital legal community.

Unlike other social networks, which generally specialize in only one type of communication, Google+ makes writing e-mails, sending up-to-the-second instant messages, posting albums of pictures, and video chatting extremely easy and efficient. Being able to communicate immediately with a potential client about their concerns, or even expediently answering an important question another lawyer has for you, make Google+ one of the best social networking platforms for legal professionals.

This wide range of communication possibilities also make it significantly easier to convene with your customer in a real-time fashion without him or her being in the office. In this way, Google+ allows legal professionals to provide better customer service to their clients, as they can hold important meetings, pertinent conversations, as well as pass on time-sensitive information on the network without having to wait for a returned phone call.

Positive Reviews Build Traffic

The most important component on Google+ for legal professionals is the “Reviews” section of each member’s page. Simply put, the more positive Google+ reviews either a lawyer or her law offices have, the higher that particular profile will appear in search engine rankings.

Experts suggest that most people do not look past the first page of results after entering something in a search engine. Getting your personal Google+ profile – or your law office’s profile – on that first page of Google results is imperative to bring in more traffic. The more traffic your firm's website has, the better the possibility of picking up more cases.

The most effective way for improving a page’s search engine standing is through reviews. In fact, the only way a law firm will make it to the top of Google’s organic search rankings is via a Google+ profile. To get reviews, ask current or past clients with whom you share an amicable relationship to write something positive about your firm’s services on the firm’s Google+ page. The best time to ask for a Google+ review, no doubt, is right after the firm delivered a favorable outcome in your client’s case.

Posted by on Friday December 13 2013, 9:04 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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