Legendary Comedian Patrice O’Neal Succumbs to Diabetes

Legendary Comedian Patrice O’Neal Succumbs to Diabetes

Legendary Comedian Patrice O’Neal Succumbs to Diabetes

Friends and acquaintances expressed their heartfelt condolences, including Charlie Sheen after hearing that Patrice O’Neal, a legendary 41-year-old stand-up comedian died on Tuesday morning due to diabetes-related stroke that he suffered since October 2011. Charlie Sheen on his WhoSay page stated that the entertainment world has lost a brilliant and talented man. Charlie Sheen likewise added that Patrice O’Neal has something rare inside of him. Though he only knew the late comedian for a few days, Charlie was moved by his nobility, grace and epic talent.

Patrice O’Neal’s death was first reported by the TMZ through their "Opie and Anthony" radio show. O'Neal also appeared on several shows like the "Chappelle Show," "The Office," and "Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn.

Just recently Opie tweeted that truly Patrice O’Neal who is their friend, the funniest and best thinker they have known had passed away. Ricky Gervais in his tweet also said that the late Patrice O’Neal is one of his favorite stand-up comedians. Sarah Silverman likewise expressed grieved statements saying, “

Patrice O'Neal is survived by his loving wife, Vondecarlo, his stepdaughter, Aymilyonk, and sister Zinder. Patrice O’Neal was also known as a radio personality, and actor

Posted by on Thursday December 01 2011, 5:17 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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