Lelangue: Cadel Evans can still win Tour de France

Cadel Evans

Lelangue: Cadel Evans can still win Tour de France

Cadel Evans has been totted to win the Tour de France again this year. His team is very optimistic about it. John Lelangue, chief director for sports of BMC, believes that Evans has all the capability to defy aging and win it all the Tour de France which is considered as the highest earning tournament in 2012.

Cadel Evans, 37, up to now is the oldest man to win the Tour's history. Certainly he has the form to win again next year Lelangue stressed. Lelangue compared Evans to wines aged in oak barrels that are getting better in years. Evans is training like he is in junior years and his rigorous training program is miles ahead to other cyclists bound to compete for the next year's Tour de France. There will be no problem for Evans as he is determined to compete and he is very motivated to train and get into shape before the prestigious cycling tournament next year.

The Tour de France is scheduled October of next year. It is considered to be the toughest cycling race course for any cyclists around the world with the presence of the world’s best cyclists competing. It’s more than a year before the tournament commences and for many months of training many things can happen. 12 months of training can do wonders already.


Posted by on Tuesday July 26 2011, 7:20 AM EDT. Ref: Yahoo. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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