Lil’ Kim Is Pregnant

Lil’ Kim Is Pregnant

Lil’ Kim Is Pregnant

Lil’ Kim recently showed up for the CND For The Blonds event pregnant as the 39-year-old star surprised people during the New York Fashion Week. She did not attempt to hide her condition as she wore a figure-hugging dress that extended down to the floor during the event.

Even as industry watchers were surprised by the pregnancy of the star, she revealed that she was excited for the birth of her first child. The star, who is popular for her outrageous antics especially with her wardrobe selection, said that she was excited and cannot wait to become a mother.

Even with her pregnancy, the rapper was able to perform on stage during the after party of the Blonds Fashion Week. She said to the crowd that although she was already a mom, she can still turn it up a bit.

It appears that motherhood will not slow the star down. She indicated that she will still go to work. Lil’ Kim revealed that she will still be hardcore and the baby made her more of a beast.

A tribute was made by the star to the late Notorious B.I.G during her performance. She announced to the crowd that it will be the birthday of Biggie soon and his death anniversary is coming. She added that they love him, as she pointed to her belly.

The star has kept the identity of the father of her child private. She was always private about her life outside of the stage. However, the last person that Lil’ Kim was linked to was Floyd Mayweather Jr. sometime in September last year.

Posted by on Sunday February 16 2014, 3:06 AM EDT. Ref: Entertainment Wise. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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