Lindsay Lohan’s Latest Community Service Commences

Lindsay Lohan’s Latest Community Service Commences

Lindsay Lohan’s Latest Community Service Commences

Los Angeles - Actress Lindsay Lohan surprisingly arrived very early at the morgue last Friday to start her take two community service. Lohan was onboard a black sport utility vehicle last Friday when the actress arrived at the coroner’s facilities. She was greeted by media and reporters who drove in flocks just to get news scoop.

A day before, Lohan was criticized by officials for arriving late at the orientation session. She was about 40 minutes late than the original time the orientation should supposedly start. Ed Winter, Assistant Chief Coroner, said they were surprised Lohan arrived very early this Friday to start her community service.

Because the actress arrived earlier than the schedule, she already started working before 8:00 in the morning. Lohan was ordered by the officials to report by 7:00 am at the coroner’s facilities. Steve Honig, publicist of the actress, said that Lohan arrived at the facilities one hour before the facilities had opened.

Before the November 2 court hearing, Lohan was ordered to complete at least 16 hours of community service at the morgue. Lohan will be expected to clean and stock toilet and bathrooms, mop floor and wash dirty sheets, officials at the facilities have said. It will be Lohan’s 2nd time to complete a community service at the facilities. She had completed earlier a community service due to drunk driving violation in 2007.

Posted by on Monday October 24 2011, 9:51 AM EDT. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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