Lindsay Lohan Moves To New York

Lindsay Lohan Moves To New York

Lindsay Lohan Moves To New York

Just days after she was released from a rehab facility, actress Lindsay Lohan decided to change her home base and move from Los Angles to New York in an effort to cut down on the partying and remain sober.

The 27 year old Lohan spent the last 90 days in a rehab facility for substance abuse after admitting she lied to an officer during her car crash in June 2012.

The actress apparently wants to keep on the right track and remain sober and thinks that the move to New York will be the key to achieving that.

A source close to the star said that she is doing very well and that she is still trying to figure out the logistics behind the move, like where she is going to live or what project she will sign for next.

The same source said that while it is true the young actress loves to party and that the New York clubs provide quite a temptation, she is sober now, and would like to remain that way for a very long time.

Lindsay Lohan will live for the time with her mother Dina and will try to fix her rough relationship with father Michael Lohan.

Posted by on Tuesday August 06 2013, 10:25 AM EDT. Ref: tv3. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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