Lindsay Lohan Sentenced To 90 Days In Rehabilitation

Lindsay Lohan Sentenced To 90 Days In Rehabilitation

Lindsay Lohan Sentenced To 90 Days In Rehabilitation

“Don’t Drive” was the advice given to the celebrity by a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge. The actress was sentenced to 90 days in a locked rehabilitation center. She was sentenced for reckless driving and lying to police officers about a car crash.

The judge’s advice was a personal one and it didn’t come directly from the court. The advice might suit Lindsay quite well, especially considering her latest driving incidents.

It all started back in 2007 when she was convicted for drunk driving but it continued for years, with Lohan being sued countless times by motorists she has hit.

The actress just avoided spending time in jail by pleading no contest to the chargers. Besides the 90 day rehabilitation sentence she will also have to spend 18 months in psychotherapy and serve 30 days of community service.

As she pleaded no contest, Lindsay Lohan also admitted to violating the terms of her probation in a shoplifting case she was sentenced for in 2011. Initially, judge James Dabney sentenced Lohan to 180 days in prison, however, that sentence was annulled.

The judge also added that if Lindsay Lohan will respect the terms of her deal she will serve no time in jail, however, should she fail to do that there will be no talks of probation and the actress will be serving time in jail.

Posted by on Tuesday March 19 2013, 4:01 AM EDT. Ref: LA Times. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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