Lindsay Lohan’s OWN Reality Show Has Good Numbers

Lindsay Lohan’s OWN Reality Show Has Good Numbers

Lindsay Lohan’s OWN Reality Show Has Good Numbers

The troubled young actress famous for her party girl attitude and several rehab visits let out all of her secrets during the premiere of her Oprah Winfrey Network reality show. The show premiered March 9th and while falling behind rating champs like “The Walking Dead” and “Duck Dynasty” scored good numbers.

During the show, the 27-year-old actress had a couple of emotional moments that either reminded her of past successful movies or showed traces of her old lifestyle. One of the biggest talking points about last night’s episode was her cancelled trip to Europe. Oprah advised against a yoga retreat trip Lindsay scheduled probably fearing a relapse into the behavior that got her to enter rehab in the first place.

Without thinking about it, the young actress listened to her new adviser and called off the trip showing that her commitment to getting healthier and re-launching her career is true.

Another emotional moment for Lindsay was her discovery of a “fetch” t-shirt. The catchphrase marked t-shirt from one of her most successful movies, “Mean Girls”, was discovered while searching through a bunch of discarded boxes at her mother Dina’s home.

Another entertaining moment was her struggle to find the perfect apartment in New York. As soon as she found something she likes, the landlord added a $10 million insurance fee to the property making it out of her budget range.

Posted by on Wednesday March 12 2014, 6:42 AM EDT. Ref: usmagazine. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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