Lose Weight By Lowering Room Temperature

Lose Weight By Lowering Room Temperature

Lose Weight By Lowering Room Temperature

According to a recent study performed by a Japanese research team, lowering room temperature can benefit your weight loss efforts. The results of the study were made public in a Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism paper. The researchers asked willing participants to lower the room temperature to 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit or about 17 degrees Celsius for two hours, every day for a period of six weeks.

The participants' body fat was measured before and after the six week period and the results showed significant decreases in fat levels. This isn’t the only study to suggest the positive weight loss effects that cold temperature can have. A study performed by the Masstricht Universiy Medical Center from the Netherlands released similar data.

In their study, 17 participants were asked to spend six hours per day in respiration chambers that had a constant temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit. After ten days, the participants started getting used to the low temperature, and weight loss progress was registered.

The drop in temperature led to development of brown fat, which is also called nonshivering thermogensis, a type of fat that gets consumed when the body deals with cold temperatures. The researchers also said that people don’t have to expose themselves to cold temperature for long periods. A minimum of 62 degrees Fahrenheit should create advantageous conditions to help with weight loss, however, researchers did mention that the cold isn't a guarantee and that a healthy lifestyle is a very important step for weight loss.

Posted by on Sunday January 26 2014, 4:23 AM EDT. Ref: guardianlv. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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