Lupe Fiasco Bashes Foreign Policy At Pre-Inaugural Event

Politically-Charged Performance By Lupe Fiasco At Pre-Inaugural Event

Politically-Charged Performance By Lupe Fiasco At Pre-Inaugural Event

The event celebrating the inauguration of President Barack Obama became the stage of Lupe Fiasco to bash the foreign policy of the president. The socially-aware rapper rendered a song that left attendees to the event puzzled since the event was supposed to celebrate the inauguration of the president.

Following his performance, Lupe Fiasco was escorted off the stage following his political-charged performance that lasted for thirty minutes.

The song of Lupe Fiasco hinted that Glenn Beck and Limbaugh were racists, and as the Gaza strip was bring bombed, the president did not do anything about it.

The rapper was the main guest of the party, which was hosted by Hypervocal. Images and videos showing Fiasco escorted by security guards off the stage were shared by a number of attendees to the party.

The Twitter page of Hypervocal revealed its disappointment in what Lupe Fiasco did as he used the event as an opportunity to create a political statement.

The group revealed that it was also surprised by the actions of Lupe Fiasco on the stage. The official statement of the group also revealed that it supports free speech as well as free political speech. However, the event was not about the opinions of the rapper.

The organizers made the decision to move to the next act during the event after the crowd was not satisfied with the performance of Lupe Fiasco.

Posted by on Tuesday January 22 2013, 11:51 AM EDT. Ref: NY Daily News. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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