Man arrested in New York for bomb plot

Man arrested in New York for bomb plot

Man arrested in New York for bomb plot

City officials announced that a man was arrested last Sunday, November 20, 2011 for intending to plant and detonate bombs in New York City. The man was said to be fascinated by the US-born Muslim militant, Anwar al-Awlaki.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly with Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Attorney Cyprus Vance Jr. announced in a news conference that the man named, Jose Pimentel, 27, had started since August 2011 to plan a bomb attack. However, due to the death of US-born Muslim militant, Anwar al-Awlaki in September 2011, the plan of bombing various sites was refocused.

According to Commissioner Kelly, Pimentel also known as Muhammad Yusuf was placed under police surveillance for more than two years and last Saturday, Pimentel was finally arrested after he almost completed at least three bombs. According to police official, Pimentel had drilled holes into pipes, scraped sulfur off matches, nails were ready to be shrapnel and wires were prepared for an ignition device.

Likewise, officials said the Jose Pimentel tried his abilities by detonating mailboxes. The arrested man talked about annihilating US military personnel who are returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq, specifically Marines and Armies. Jose Pimentel further mentioned his other plans. Among them were bombing post office in Washington Heights, police cars in New York City and police stations in New Jersey.

Posted by on Tuesday November 22 2011, 5:39 PM EDT. Ref: CNN. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Nation. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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