Maria Bello Comes Out

Maria Bello Comes Out

Maria Bello Comes Out

A New York Times column published on November 29 revealed that Maria Bello is in a long-term relationship with a female friend. The star shared in the passage entitled "Coming Out as a Modern Family" that she revealed her love life with her son, Jackson.

During this time, her 12-year-old son suspected something and was thinking that the actress was keeping something from him. She said that it was the moment she was afraid of and anticipating for a number of months. She said that her answer will affect both of their lives for a long time.

Maria Bello indicated that she was romantically involved with her best friend, who acted as the godmother of her son.

The star said she chose to give her relationship with her friend a try around a year ago. She revealed that her realization occurred as she read her old journals in her garden in California. She said she went through some photos and found a black-and-white photograph of her and her best friend during New Year’s Eve. She said she smiled after seeing that they looked happy. She realized that they can choose to be romantically involved with each other.

The 46-year-old actress said she was trying to understand the relationship with her friend when they got together in New York. The friendship soon became a relationship.

The Prisoners star revealed that she was apprehensive of telling her parents of the relationship. However, the conversation with them was easy as her father said her friend was a good girl for her. Her mother agreed with her father.

The actress also said she considers the father of her son as the most wonderful man she had ever known. Maria Bello said that they both have similar core values and have their son as their priority.

Posted by on Tuesday December 03 2013, 1:29 AM EDT. Ref: US Magazine. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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