Marijuana Legalization Has Never Had This Much Backing

Marijuana Legalization Has Never Had This Much Backing

Marijuana Legalization Has Never Had This Much Backing

Recent polls suggest the marijuana legalization is becoming more of a reality and less of a taboo subject. The approval rate for the legalization has never been this high, with an estimated equal amount of people supporting and opposing the motion.

The CBS poll suggests that 47% of the people questioned said yes to legalization, while 47 percent oppose it. The poll also shows that young people, independents and democrats are most likely to support this measure, with percentages ranging from 51% to 59% in favor.

The approval percentage drops a bit with people aged 30 to 44 while the main block of people opposing marijuana legalization is constituted from republicans and people 65 and older with a much smaller 30 to 34% approval rating.

In fact the recent trend seems to be continuing, as marijuana legalization approval rate continues to climb appearing as the majority opinion in some polls.

The same poll suggests that approval rating for the use of medical marijuana is also through the roof bordering the 83% margin.

The same people who approve of marijuana legalization and medical marijuana consumption seem to be pragmatic in concluding that most medical marijuana prescriptions aren't necessarily used to alleviate pain.

Posted by on Saturday December 01 2012, 5:16 PM EDT. Ref: The Daily Chronic. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Nation. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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