Marketing Businesses Using Pinterest Growing Popular

Marketing Businesses Using Pinterest Growing Popular

Marketing Businesses Using Pinterest Growing Popular

Whether you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, Pinterest is one of the fastest growing and effective social media tools you should definitely consider engaging in. the reason for the popularity is quite clear. People find it much more interesting and fun to follow a story or person through pictorial representation. No wonder Pinterest is one of the big players in social media marketing these days. Let us take a look at some ways in which you can receive ROI benefits using Pinterest and some tools that help you achieve this.

Tips for using Pinterest 

  • When pinning pictures from your store, do not pin pictures of every single item in your store. Instead be selective and pin just the good ones.
  • Do not divulge too many details in a single image description itself. Give them a little information on that each picture and encourage them to visit your website for more details.
  • Make it easier for people to pin your images by adding “pin it” buttons to your website. Also make sure your Pinterest profile has a follow button.
  • Try to add lot of interesting photos to your website so that it encourages people to pin even more pictures.
  • Pin frequently because the more you pin, more the chances of people viewing it and sharing or re-pinning it. It is also important to pin a variety of pictures to keep people interested in your site.
  • Keeping the layout of Pinterest in mind, it might be a great idea to pin vertical images. Add text and a dark border to your image for an added effect.
  • If you are trying to group favorite items or planning on posting how-to instructions you can make pin mash-ups. These are done by taking various pictures and then merging them into a vertical image with each image on a separate block.
  • Avoid using Pinterest just to market your products. People like to see something that interests them. Pinterest users will be more interested in seeing other people. This is why it might be a good idea to feature your customers. Create a board so you can feature one customer each week.
  • Secret Boards is a new feature on Pinterest. You can use this feature to limit the number of people who have access to certain pinboards something like a VIP membership.

Pinterest Tools 

Pinterest has many useful tools that you can used while getting started. While some of these tools are paid, others are free.

  • ShareAsImage – This tool was previously known as PinAQuote. With this tool, you can easily create images that are word based and then share them on Pinterest.
  • PinPuff – The influential potential of a user is measured by this tool and a monetary value is given to your pins.
  • WiseStamp – This is a great tool for a business to gain new followers. You can showcase your latest pins in the emails that you send individuals. If your business sends out newsletters, you can add this tool to it for sure.

Reachli – The Reachli tool allows you to track each pin’s effectiveness. You can keep a track of the number of clicks your pin receives.

Posted by on Sunday October 27 2013, 2:54 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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