Michael J. Fox Drank Heavily To Deal With Parkinson’s Diagnosis

Michael J. Fox Drank Heavily To Deal With Parkinson's Diagnosis

Michael J. Fox Drank Heavily To Deal With Parkinson's Diagnosis

Michael J. Fox proved that Parkinson’s disease is not the end of the life of a person. However, he also revealed through a recent interview that he had the feeling of giving up after receiving the diagnosis. He also said that he did not have any idea on how to deal with the disease after he quit show business when he discovered he was afflicted with Parkinson’s in 1991.

He said that he felt helpless during that time. He added that he felt it was unfair.

The actor is staging a comeback through “The Michael J. Fox Show” on NBC by fall. He also confessed that he used alcohol as his coping mechanism. He said the drinking heavily was his initial reaction to the disease. He was drinking alone every day.

The actor said that this “self-medication” lasted for a number of months. However, after he started with the therapy, things started to clear up for him.

He indicated that therapy showed him that Parkinson’s was not the end of his life. He said everything improved after this, including his marriage and his career.

Michael J. Fox revealed that he became a better actor due to Parkinson’s. He said that Parkinson’s gave him the chance to collect himself, and check the things happening around him. He added that the situation gave him a fresh outlook on things.

He said that he used to be very nervous, and he would have to stay in the dressing room and worry about his situation. He would look for answers and learn how to use these answers. He would worry about everything.

However, these days the actor would not react to anything that happens around him. Michael J. Fox would not worry anymore since he knows that in the future the disease will eventually catch up on him.

Posted by on Sunday September 29 2013, 3:19 AM EDT. Ref: US Magazine. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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