Michael Jackson’s Dr. Murray Sentenced, Prosecutors asking for 4-Year Imprisonment

Michael Jackson’s Dr. Murray Sentenced, Prosecutors asking for 4-Year Imprisonment

Michael Jackson’s Dr. Murray Sentenced, Prosecutors asking for 4-Year Imprisonment

After Dr. Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter behind the death of Michael Jackson, he was made to choose whether from simple probation to up to 4 years imprisonment plus other charges.

However, Prosecutors filed a sentencing memo asking for the maximum penalty of 4 years of imprisonment and charge Murray the sum of $100 million in restitution for Jackson’s death. Lawyers for Murray meanwhile asked for probation due to manifold collateral consequences, specifically loss of medical career of their client, Dr. Murray.

According to judicial prosecutors, Michael Jackson died from a deadly combination of propofol and sedatives, a reckless method of putting Jackson to sleep. Likewise, they added that Dr. Murray should pay three of Jackson’s children as provided in California’s “Victim’s Bill of Rights” law.

Meanwhile defense lawyers for Dr. Murray described their client as a “self —made man of humble and righteous origins.” Murray lawyers also emphasized that their client is not remorseful, but rather deeply mourns the loss of Michael Jackson. Further, defense stated that Murray was helping Jackson to get to sleep after a series of rehearsals, thus his intentions must not be overlooked.

Defense also proposed that Dr. Murray be sentenced to community service along with probation, instead of 4 years of imprisonment with charges.

Posted by on Tuesday November 29 2011, 7:11 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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