Michael Jackson’s Nurse Knew Sleeping Pill was Fatal

 Michael Jackson’s Nurse Knew Sleeping Pill was Fatal

Michael Jackson’s Nurse Knew Sleeping Pill was Fatal

Los Angeles — The nurse of Michael Jackson had testified Tuesday and told the court about her efforts to safeguard the life of the deceased music superstar from a powerful drug that might endanger and kill Michael Jackson. Cherilyn Lee told the court she deployed many different alternative means to help Jackson get to sleep without taking medicines.

She remembers Jackson told her about a certain medicine that a doctor had prescribed him for his sleeping problem. Lee said the medicine was Dipravan or propofol. Jackson told Lee it was used during one of his surgery.

Lee was emotional, burst out in tears and could not even continue her testimony. She said it was very sensitive for her. It was in early 2009 when Lee came into Jackson’s life up until Dr. Conrad Murray arrived. Dr. Murray has been accused of involuntary manslaughter for giving Michael Jackson a deadly dose of the medicine. But Murray had already pleaded not guilty.

2 months before Jackson’s eventual death, Lee said Jackson was sitting next to her. Jackson told her about his sleeping problems and that he had difficulty getting asleep. The singer pleaded he needed more Dipravan.

Then Lee immediately did some research about the drug and was surprised to know it was dangerous when used at home. Lee told Jackson about the possibility of him not waking up but Jackson was confident for as long a doctor can monitor his condition. Prosecutors said Dr. Murray left Jackson after giving him a fatal dose of the drug and failed to execute a proper life-saving medical procedures afterwards.

Posted by on Wednesday October 26 2011, 4:21 AM EDT. Ref: Google. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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