Microsoft Store Offers Windows 8.1 Tablet At Reduced Prices

Microsoft Store Offers Windows 8.1 Tablet At Reduced Prices

Microsoft Store Offers Windows 8.1 Tablet At Reduced Prices

A number of Windows 8.1 tablets featuring quad-core processors from Intel are being offered through the Microsoft Store at reasonable prices. The software giant is offering a number of these tablets at prices of less than $250 through its physical and online stores.

For instance, the 32GB Venue 8 Pro of Dell is being sold at $299, which is $70 lower than its original $299 price tag. On the other hand, the Toshiba Encore and the 32GB Lenovo Mix are being offered at $249, which is lower than its previous price tag of $299.

In comparison, the Venue 8 of Dell is available at a price tag of around $180 through Dell. The Dell Venue 8 features the Z2580 Atom processor of Intel and Android 4.2.2 OS. The Toshiba Excite 7 is also available at a price tag of around $150.

A number of other Windows 8.1 tablets are also sold at reduced prices. The price of the 64GB Venue 8 Pro of Dell was reduced from $349 to $299. On the other hand, the ATIV Tab 3 from Samsung is offered at $499, lower than its initial price tag of $699.

Microsoft revealed that these tablets became available in the market since January 24. They feature the quad-core Bay Trail Z3740 Atom processor of Intel.

Brian Krzanich, CEO of Intel, said the 64-bit processor will be available to Android-powered tablet by the second quarter of the year. The processor is currently being utilized on 32-bit mode for Windows 8.1. However, this will be adjusted when the 64-bit mode of the Windows 8.1 is enabled. The delivery of Windows 8.1 tablets is expected to increase due to the Bay Trail processor of Intel.

Posted by on Friday January 31 2014, 5:10 AM EDT. Ref: CNET. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Shopping. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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