Mobile Friendly Websites Get More Customers

Mobile Friendly Websites Get More Customers

Mobile Friendly Websites Get More Customers

Most business owners know by now that a website for your company can help your target audience find you whether you are online or if you have a physical location. Not only should all businesses (both online and offline) have a website, but that website should have a mobile friendly design. A mobile friendly responsive design will ensure that mobile viewers on the go can find your business online and navigate your website to find what they need quickly and easily right from their tablet, smartphone, or any size device. Responsive design adds a great feature to your website that allows it to fit on any size screen and viewers can still navigate to all of the pages and links; it eliminate the need to design a separate website just for mobile viewers.

Smart Searching

Now that just about everyone has a smartphone attached to them at all times, we are all in the habit of using it for information, such as local stores that sell something they are looking to buy, or finding a restaurant to eat at when they are hungry. If your business’ website comes up but the website cannot be seen or navigated through to find what the shopper needs, they are likely moving on to find somewhere else and that is lost business for you. Essentially, you are throwing away business if customers are finding your website, but do not buy your products or services because they cannot access the information they are searching for while viewing your website on a mobile device. A recent Google and Nielsen study in March 2013 showed that 9 out of 10 smartphone searches resulted in an action for local businesses, these actions included a visit to the business, or a purchase at the business or online, etc.


It is also important to note that not all mobile searchers are actually away from home when they are viewing your website on a mobile device. Even when at home, many smart phone or tablet owners opt to use their smaller mobile devices for shopping online or searching. There are a couple reasons for this. In some cases it is just easier and more convenient to use a smaller device while lounging at home or watching television. The second reason for  using mobile devices for these searches at home is because they will be able to access the search results again when they are out and about and ready to visit your location, make a reservation, or make a purchase.


Benefits of Having a Mobile Friendly Responsive Design:


  1. Increased sales and increased access to more potential customers. At this point most of us do not even know anyone without a smart phone anymore. In addition to that, just about everyone who owns a smart phone keeps it with them close to 24 hours a day and use it extensively. Having a website that can be accessed by this “companion” that just about everyone has with them 24 hours a day means increased accessibility to your customers.
  2. Having an advanced level and easy to access website enhances your reputation. Your brand and your company image are elevated when you have a more professional and sophisticated website than your competition. It also helps if your potential customer was not frustrated when trying to find out more about your company and could easily access your website from their mobile device.
  3. Increased return on your investment. If you are making the decision for a company website, spending a little extra for a comprehensive design that includes mobile accessibility will be worth it in the end. It also likely means that the current version of your site will last longer and you will not need a redesign in the near future.


Posted by on Saturday November 09 2013, 4:13 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Technology. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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