MOD Electronic Cigarettes Growing Popular

MOD Electronic Cigarettes Growing Popular

MOD Electronic Cigarettes Growing Popular

If you have been using electronic cigarettes for a while and are bored with the classic presentation of the e-cig, you might be more than ready to try out something new. What this article will present isn’t for new users of e-cigs, as they would have to try different models and see which one is more fit for him / he before passing on to personalized e-cigs. Since its beginning, the MOD is now being widely commercialized and is the first choice for many electronic cigarette smokers.

The beginning

These electronic cigarettes have appeared because the more passionate e-cig users thought about making something “healthier”, with a stronger battery and with more powerful circuits themselves. This is how the MOD’s appeared or the modified “in home” electronic cigarettes.

As more and more people started using these MOD’s, electronic cigarette producers started producing their own.

“Homemade” MOD’s didn’t look too good in the beginning, too rough and not good-looking at all. They are big, approximately 20 cm and some still prefered the smaller ones of 7-8 cm, like iVIP or Ego W.

The best brands

As things have evolved, the best MOD’s right now are considered to be the eVic and Elego SVD brands. The first is made by Joyetech and the second by Innokin. These aren’t really your classic e-cig, they just need a clearomizor to transform them into an electronic cigarette. So basically, they are the power source attached to a big capacity clearomizor.

They can no be used with the classical Ego batteries, they fit as a screw head, but need a higher voltage. Using a ProTank or an iClear on an Ego battery, you might be surprised by the bad experience of using them. As such, these clearomizers need bigger power, higher voltage and must be used with a MOD mentioned above.

There are MOD’s on the market, but the ones mentioned in this article are the presently the best in everything. With homemade MOD’s, you might have unpleasant surprises as they might overtax the battery and explode, as such cases have been recorded. With the ones that are made by e-cig producers you do not have this risk, as they have all kinds of protection in this sense.

Are modified electronic cigarettes dangerous?

Since many accidents happened concerning modified e-cigs, it is not advised to take on any modifications on your own if you don’t have a certain knowledge in the filed of electronics. Realistically speaking, most modified e-cigs don’t explode or malfunction, but there is a clear risk that this could happen. To produce a MOD, the quality, characteristic and safety have to be in accordance with the producing standards of the industry.

Generally, the battery is the potentially dangerous element of a MOD. Raising the power is the most common wish of those who smoke e-cigs, but modified batteries can explode. It is clear that modified e-cigs offer more advantages, but they also carry risks, so it would be safer to just look for a personalized MOD made by a well-known electronic cigarette producer.

Posted by on Thursday May 01 2014, 5:28 AM EDT. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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