More Bodies Found In Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack

More Bodies Found In Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack

More Bodies Found In Syrian Chemical Weapon Attack

After opposition forces battling the Assad regime have claimed a chemical weapon attack of a magnitude comparable to the 1988 Iraqi attack on the Kurdish region, the international community lead by France said that they will react with force if the attack is confirmed.

The attack was carried out in the neighborhood of Zamalka just on the outskirts of Damascus. The alleged chemical weapon attack killed hundreds of people as they were sleeping in their homes said leaders of the opposition forces.

Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister said that France will react with force if the attacks are confirmed but also specified that the possibility of sending French ground troops in the region is out of the question.

Syrian government forces have been bombing the rebel held neighborhoods in Damascus, for months, and are starting to gain the upper hand in the two plus year old conflict.

The Syrian National Coalition spokesperson, Khaled Saleh said in a press release that the explosions over the Zamalka neighborhood could be heard from kilometers around. He also said that coalition fighters are closing in on government forces during the bombing to reduce the risk of being exposed to gas from chemical weapons used by the Assad loyal forces.

Posted by on Saturday August 24 2013, 2:24 AM EDT. Ref: alarabiya. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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