Naomi Watts’ “Diana” Gets Poor Reviews

Naomi Watts’ “Diana” Gets Poor Reviews

Naomi Watts’ “Diana” Gets Poor Reviews

Naomi Watts’ most recent movie called “Diana” didn’t go down to well, at least when it comes to U.K. critics. The bio picture about the popular Princess of Wales that met her tragic end in a 1997 car crash had its premiere in London this Thursday.

The movie will open across the U.K. on Sept the 20th just a few weeks after the 16th anniversary of the car crash that took the life of Princess Diana.

The movie covers the supposed two year affair the queen had with Pakistani heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. Critics called the movie boring, pedestrian and “fabulously awful”.

Some of the meanest critics said that the Princess died a second death with this movie. They pick at the fact that the relationship with Prince Charles and her two children was completely omitted and replaced with a cheap chase for scandal.

The one saving grace of the movie seems to be Naomi Watts’ performance. It was appreciated by critics who even called her brilliant but the actress was sadly blasted because of her “awful” hairdo.

Watts said that she was reluctant to take the role (she even refused it twice) because she was worried the script of the movie would upset the young sons of Princess Diana who are famous for resenting the press for exploiting their mother’s death.

Posted by on Sunday September 08 2013, 11:25 AM EDT. Ref: USA Today. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Entertainment, Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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