NBA Playoffs Kick Off With Home-Court Upsets

NBA Playoffs Kick Off With Home-Court Upsets

NBA Playoffs Kick Off With Home-Court Upsets

The kick off of to the NBA playoffs had some real upsets that left most home teams shocked. Three out of four away teams registered victories this Saturday. Indiana, Toronto and the Los Angeles Clippers all had the advantage of the home court, however, that so called advantage didn’t really mean a lot with all three teams registering a loss.

The Indiana Pacers lost to Atlanta by 101 to 93, Toronto lost to the Brooklyn Nets by 94 to 87 while the Los Angeles Clippers lost to Golden State by 109 to 105.

Oklahoma City Thunder was the only home team that managed to come out with a win against Memphis by 100 to 86. While the stats aren’t good for most home teams that lost, the Indian Pacers may be in the biggest trouble of all. They are the third number 1 seeded team that lost in their first match of the playoffs after Dallas, who lost its opener in 2007 and San Antonio who lost back in 2011 to Memphis. Both teams were eliminated in their respective series.

While this Saturday’s results are shocking they do not even come close to the 1966 playoffs where five teams won their away games setting a record that still stands to this day.

Posted by on Thursday April 24 2014, 4:43 AM EDT. Ref: wp. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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