Nelson Mandela Memorial Service Attracts World Leaders

Nelson Mandela Memorial Service Attracts World Leaders

Nelson Mandela Memorial Service Attracts World Leaders

Over ninety heads of state are set to gather in South Africa to honor Nelson Mandela, who passed away recently.

This shows the impact of the first black president of South Africa had on the world. The ceremony will be held at a soccer stadium, which may not accommodate all the people who want to pay tribute to the anti-apartheid leader.

Clayson Monyela, the international relations spokesman for the country, revealed that ten former heads of states will join ninety-one heads of state at the service. Former presidents Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush are also expected to attend the service along with current US President Barack Obama.

The South African parliament reconvened recently for a number of memorials for Nelson Mandela. Numerous parliament members spoke during the event. Numerous friends have met with the family of Nelson Mandela at the home of the late South African president, revealed the longtime personal assistant of Mandela, Zelda de la Grange.

Although la Grande was a white Afrikaner, she was described as the rock of Mandela. She said that there was sadness in the Mandela home. However, people celebrated the life of Madiba, referring to the well-known clan name of the late leader.

The death of Mandela was announced by the president of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, last Thursday.

The South African leader asked people to pray for the country and not to forget the values of Madiba, who also stood for freedom. He struggled against people who oppressed other people. He wanted freedom for everyone, Zuma added.

Parishioners in a Pretoria suburb showed their gratitude for the man who rescued them from revenge. Wilhelm Jordaan said the presence of Nelson Mandela allowed them to remove their guilt and join the take part in the journey he invited them to join.

Posted by on Tuesday December 10 2013, 4:49 AM EDT. Ref: CNN. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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