New Avian Flu Strain H7N9 Proves Very Dangerous

New Avian Flu Strain H7N9 Proves Very Dangerous

New Avian Flu Strain H7N9 Proves Very Dangerous

A new strain of avian flu has killed nearly 17 people in China and proves to be extremely dangerous. Researchers from the United States have analyzed the strain and have discovered that the H7N9 virus has mutated and become more of a threat to humans than to birds.

Researchers have discovered while analyzing the DNA material from the 17 fatalities from China, that the H7N9 virus found in humans lacked genes that were present in infected birds.

This proves that the virus is particularly efficient in causing illness and death in mammals while not so deadly in infected birds. Further research showed that the virus mutated with human genes. It is yet unclear if the virus has the ability to be transmitted between humans, as most sufferers of previous forms of avian flu caught the disease while interacting with birds.

The World Health Organization has some reason for concern as the pandemic potential of the virus can be huge is it is discovered that it has the ability to be transmitted directly between humans.

While no case of the H7N9 virus have been seen outside of China, the United States and several other countries have ordered a vaccine for the avian flu, with production dates yet to be determined.

Posted by on Friday April 19 2013, 7:50 AM EDT. Ref: TheVerge. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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