New research may help recover the Ozone Layer

New research may help recover the Ozone layer

The Ozone Layer is a layer of Gas in the upper atmosphere that protects planet Earth from dangerous ultraviolet rays, It has been useful for life on Earth. Natural and human activities release gases that reacts with the ozone gas at that level reducing them to compounds that cannot protect planet earth from harmful ultra violet radiations.

Certain parts of the Ozone Layer have been depleted and is posited for recovery in 50 years, Ozone Layer has been linked to Climate Change and impact life and weather condition on Earth. Recovery of the Ozone hole artificially may be necessary in the near future as harmful effects are increasingly felt.

New research suggests a new procedure for faster repair of the Ozone Layer. “This research is important since 50 years wait for naturally repair is not helpful to harmful effects that are felt today” says David Stephen, presenting the new research.

Artificial recovery of depleted parts of the Ozone Layer involves  injecting oxygen gas into the Ozone Layer, Ozone gas is a triatomic  form of oxygen and processes that lead to ozone formation in the  ozone layer involves oxygen molecules, oxygen atoms and UltraViolet light from the sun, injecting oxygen gas using aerodynamic objects  to the ozone layer will join in this reaction and aid recovery.

Details of this research is available at:


The Ozone layer is a layer of Gas in the upper atmosphere that protects planet Earth from dangerous ultraviolet rays, It has been useful for life on Earth. Natural and human activities release gases that reacts with the ozone gas at that level reducing them to compounds that cannot protect planet earth from harmful ultra violet radiations.

Certain parts of the Ozone Layer have been depleted and is posited for recovery in 50 years, Ozone Layer has been linked to Climate Change and impact lifes and weather condition on Earth. Recovery of the Ozone hole artificially may be necessary in the near future as harmful effects are increasingly felt.

New research suggests a new procedure for faster repair of the Oxygen Layer. “This research is important since 50 years wait for naturally repair is not helpful to harmful effects that are felt today” says David Stephen, presenting the new research.

Artificial recovery of depleted parts of the Ozone Layer involves  injecting oxygen gas into the Ozone Layer, Ozone gas is a triatomic  form of oxygen and processes that lead to ozone formation in the  ozone layer involves oxygen molecules, oxygen atoms and UltraViolet light from the sun, injecting oxygen gas using aerodynamic objects  to the ozone layer will join in this reaction and aid recovery.

Details of this research is available at:

Posted by on Monday May 02 2011, 2:53 AM EDT. Ref: David Stephen. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, Health. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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