New Research Report Published on China Shipbuilding Market Study Policy and Economic Environment and Major Shipbuilding Enterprises in China, Forecast 2020

Ever since China's entry into the WTO, shipbuilding industry has kept growing. And its direct contribution to many industries like water transport, fishing and ocean development has raised its status in national economy. Since the 1990s, the number of finished ship has kept increasing, making China one of the shipbuilding centers in the world. In 2015, 39.05 million dwt of ships were built, increasing 8.07% year on year. And 31.26 dwt of new vessels was ordered, decreasing 47.86% year on year.
By the end of 2015, 127.37 million dwt of ships were being handled by Chinese shipbuilding enterprises, decreasing 14.93%

In 2015, China's ship export totaled USD 28.02 billion, increasing 11.2% year on year while its ship import totaled USD 10.04 billion, decreasing 23.7% year on year.  Since the beginning of 2014, the Chinese government has issued a minor stimulus package which has loosened the tight supply of money. The fast decrease of short-term interest rate, in particular, has created good financing opportunities for shipping industry. China State Shipbuilding Corporation has successfully issued CNY 5 billion SCP with an annual rate of 4.65%, which has reduced financing cost. The Export-Import Bank of China also provided China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation with CNY 9 billion working capital loan at a favorable rate, which has relieved its financing pressure and boosted its development. Meanwhile, ship financial leasing has undergone rapid development and become a major financing channel only second to bank loan.

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With regard to the difficulties facing shipping industry, the Chinese government has issued many important documents concerning elimination of old ships and fund support since 2013 so as to support its transformation and upgrading.

In the short term, the monopoly of companies in developed countries on high-end equipment and design is difficult to break while Korean enterprises' status in ocean engineering equipment manufacturing is ingrained. Therefore, the struggle for low-end equipment manufacturing market between China and Singapore will continue. Hence the pressing problem of improving R&D and the capability of building high-end equipment for Chinese ship manufacturers.
There is still huge space for shipbuilding industry to grow in the next few years due to cost advantage compared with such countries as Japan and Korea and increasing domestic demand which attracts global capital.

Report Covers
-policy and economic environment facing shipbuilding industry in China
-supply and demand of shipbuilding industry in China
-major shipbuilding enterprises in China
-competition in shipbuilding market in China
-import and export of shipbuilding industry in China
-expectation to shipbuilding industry in China

Following groups of people purchase this report:
-related enterprises in industrial chain of shipbuilding industry
-shipping company
-ship owner
-investors/research institutions interested in shipbuilding industry in China

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Key Points from Table of Content 

3 Operation Status of Shipbuilding Industry in China, 2011-2015
3.1 Supply Analysis
3.1.1 Finished Ship Number
3.1.2 Supply Structure
3.2 Demand Analysis
3.2.1 Total Demand
3.2.2 Demand Structure
3.2.3 Analysis of Price Change
3.4 Investment and Financing Analysis
3.4.1 Fixed Asset Investment
3.4.2 Investment Orientation in Shipbuilding Industry
3.4.3 Acquisition and Reorganization

4 Competitions in Shipbuilding Industry, 2011-2015
4.1 Barrier to Entry and Exit
4.1.1 Barrier to Entry
4.1.2 Barrier to Exit
4.2 Competitive Structure
4.2.1 Competition among Existing Enterprises
4.2.2 Bargaining Power of Upstream Supplier
4.2.3 Bargaining Power of Client
4.2.4 Threat Posed by Newcomer
4.2.5 Alternatives
4.3 Characteristics of Shipbuilding Industry in China
4.3.1 China as a Large Ship Producer
4.3.2 China as Future Shipbuilding Center
4.3.3 Transformation of Shipbuilding Industry to Hi-tech
4.3.4 Related Industries of Shipbuilding Industry

5 Industrial Chain Analysis of Shipbuilding Industry in China, 2011-2015
5.1 Introduction to Industrial Chain of Shipbuilding Industry
5.2 Influence of Upstream Industry
5.2.1 Ship Cost
5.2.2 Steel Industry
5.2.3 Supporting Equipment for Ship
5.3 Influence of Downstream Industry
5.3.1 Demand Analysis
5.3.2 Freight
5.3.3 Passenger Transport

6 Analysis of Shipbuilding Sub-industries in China, 2011-2014
6.1 Introduction to Sub-industries
6.2 Metal Ship Manufacturing
6.2.1 Industrial Profile
6.2.2 Operation Characteristics
6.2.3 Development Trend
6.3 Supporting Equipment for Ship
6.4 Ship Repair and Scrapping
6.5 SWOT Analysis of Shipbuilding Sub-industries in China

7 Import and Export Analysis of Shipbuilding Industry in China, 2011-2014
7.1 Import
7.1.1 Overview
7.1.2 Import Structure
7.1.3 Major Import Destinations
7.2 Export
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 Export Structure
7.2.3 Major Export Destinations

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