NFL Experimenting With New Extra Point Rule

NFL Experimenting With New Extra Point Rule

NFL Experimenting With New Extra Point Rule

The NFL is experimenting a new extra point rule after both fans and certain players have declared that it has become an automatism that is sometimes too easy to get and doesn't pose any challenge nor enhance the game in any way.

A proposal that asked for the extra point to be moved to the 25-yard line failed during an owners meeting held this Tuesday, however, the football league did decide to test extra points from the 20-yard line for the first two weeks of the 2014 pre-season. The official rules of the NFL currently set the extra point snap at the 2 yard line.

Jeff Fischer, coach of the St. Louis Rams and Competition Committee chairman summed the entire issue up by saying that everyone knows something must be done about the current extra point system, but no one really knows exactly what to do. The 20-yard system is the first attempt to address the issue and depending on its success, more or less drastic ideas may be put in place.

In the last years, the extra point kick became an almost guaranteed point with the only uncertainty being whether a player might get injured while attempting a block, like New England Patriots’ Rob Gronkowski.

While the proposal might seem strange to some, a scenario where some of those points might be missed should make the game more exciting, especially in a late-game scenario.

Posted by on Friday March 28 2014, 2:21 AM EDT. Ref: cbs. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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