No water available to residents in Hoboken at Newark and Harrison

A large water main break has caused flooding in the streets of Hoboken, New Jersey. Hoboken Mayor, Dawn Zimmer, says that this is causing issues.

Hoboken Police Chief says that most of the city is without water.

The city has said that United Water in Hokoben is working to fix the large water main break as soon as possible. They are working to fix a broken valve and as soon as that is done then the water pressure in the evening could be restored by afternoon today.

The police has requested that since this large water main break that has broken is at the southwest edge of the city, anyone entering or exiting Hoboken should try and do so from the north end to avoid the flooded areas.

Posted by on Sunday November 22 2015, 10:58 AM EST. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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