Nobel Prize Winner Dead Before Award

Nobel Prize Winner Dead Before Award

Nobel Prize Winner Dead Before Award

Stockholm - A scientist who should have been awarded a Nobel Prize died before knowing such distinction. Ralph Steinman, 68 year old physician, has discovered a recent discovery that might help save the lives of millions of cancer patients around the world. He died last Friday before his research was awarded a Nobel Prize by Monday.

The new therapy he discovered won the Nobel Prize in medicine for his research into the cancer patient's immune system. Steinman died Friday before knowing he has won the Nobel Prize. Steinman has used his discovery to treat himself as he is also suffering from cancer.  He has been battling for pancreatic cancer for the past 4 years before succumbing and giving up.

The Nobel Prize committee has no idea about his cancer and was only told few hours after the award was announced. Steinman never knew his dedication and hard work would be awarded the highest accolade the field of science can bestow. He has become the 1st person to win a posthumous Nobel Prize in half a century. Alexis Steinman, 34, daughter of the deceased Nobel Prize winner, said she was hoping his dad was there, present, to receive the distinction. But we were really proud of him, for his hard work and dedication; he has made a difference in the world of medicine.

Posted by on Tuesday October 04 2011, 2:45 AM EDT. Ref: Reuters. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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