North Korea Sets Military On High Alert As Tensions Rise

North Korea Sets Military On High Alert As Tensions Rise

North Korea Sets Military On High Alert As Tensions Rise

The North Korean regime said it would place its military on high alert after what was a harsh week of anti U.S. and South Korea rhetoric. The communist regime accused their southern neighbors of hostility adding that they are destabilizing the entire region through their military partnership with the United States.

This isn't the first time the northern regime has made threats, a move that is considered by many political analysts a simple but effective bluff to move their foreign and domestic agenda forward.

A representative of the North Korean army said that the repercussions of the possible docking of multiple U.S. warships in a South Korean port would be disastrous. The North Korean military also issued a statement saying that “all services and army corps” of the KPA will be set on high alert, being ready to operate at any time.

Politicians in Washington don’t seem to worried by the seemingly violent tone with State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki saying that this type of rhetoric will not help the communist state reduce the heavy price it pays for its international isolation.

North Korea has issued similar threats this March saying that it is no longer bound to respect the 1950’s armistice between the two Koreas threatening to attack both South Korea and the United States.


Posted by on Tuesday October 08 2013, 5:05 PM EDT. Ref: independent. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under Featured News, World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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